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Indian style volcanic rock church The only place in Thailand Lack of restorative factors

Nakhon Ratchasima, The only Indian-style volcanic rock church in Thailand. Beautiful and eye-catching But there is a lack of restorative factors. beginning to deteriorate

At Wat Laem Thong Sriwararam, Ban Laem Thong, Village No. 3, Laem Thong Subdistrict, Nong Bun Mak District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, there is an ordination hall that is different from ordinary temples. But it’s beautiful and eye-catching. Because the structure of the temple is similar to an Indian temple. And most importantly, the material used to build the church is mostly red, porous stone, amounting to hundreds of tons. Villagers say that volcanic rocks are used as a component of the walls and ceiling of the temple. Makes you see a beautiful angle in another dimension. It is considered a strange temple. Beautiful, unlike any other temple. The atmosphere around the temple is shady. There are many kinds of trees. Makes this temple look more outstanding and magical. Suitable for tourists who like to take pictures.

Indian style volcanic
stone temple Made from this volcanic rock. It is considered the only one that exists in Thailand. Now it has begun to deteriorate. because of lack of factors to restore

Phra Acharn Anon Sophonchitto, deputy abbot of Laem Thong Sriwararam Temple, said that this chapel has been built since 1992 and was built according to the design of Phra Rajavimonmoli. A former governor of Nakhon Ratchasima province recruited them based on designs from India. and in addition to the area having a lot of mountain rocks The villagers then helped to transport it to use as construction material. It is considered to save money and use naturally occurring materials to benefit. There is also love and unity between the villagers in the community. To date, construction has taken more than 30 years, causing this temple to deteriorate and begin to crumble in many places. and a small temple Each year you get a few hundred thousand kathina. Now I don’t know what to do. If anyone has faith and wants to join in restoring and repairing this
chapel. Contact directly at Phra Achan Anon Sophonchitto, Deputy Abbot of Laem Thong Sri Wararam Temple, telephone 062-259 9053.

Source: Thai News Agency