Can’t find the chicken Go back to take a gun and shoot the neighbor dead at the dining room table.

Phrae, May 31 – claimed to have stolen chicken several times. Returned home, took a gun and shot his neighbor dead at the dining room table.

Police from the Song Police Station, Phrae Province, received a report of the shooting. There was a death at Village No. 6, Huai Mai Subdistrict, Song District, Phrae Province, so the force was brought in to investigate. The scene was a two-storey wooden house with a high basement. Downstairs at the dining table found Mr. Udom Thongpraphai, 61, lying dead on a chair. no traces of battle There was a gunshot wound to the left temple that pierced the eyebrow and right temple. Eight bullet marks were found in the face at the scene.

Mrs. Pramual Wanthong, 55, the deceased’s wife, said that around 7 p.m., Mr. Sombat and his friend came to the house and asked for a chicken. When Uncle Nas went to see him, he said he couldn’t find the chicken and went home. In the meantime he was preparing food. Husband is waiting at the table to eat. Then a loud gunshot was heard. Turned to find that her husband had blood flowing all over his face. therefore went to support her husband The perpetrator fled. The incident is expected to come from the chicken that Uncle Nas raised. likes to come into their homes I had to come and clean up the chicken poop every day. I have told Uncle Nas many times to come and get the chicken. But Uncle Nas doesn’t care. Until today, he came to ask for chicken. And then something like this happened

The police track down Mr. Sombat. who fled to a friend’s house in a neighboring village Sit and wait to surrender to the officer. Before bringing him to make a plan to confess

The accused said Ride a motorcycle to ask for chickens at the house. The deceased wife said she was at the tractor to go and see for herself. When I went to look, I couldn’t find a chicken. There was an argument. So he returned home and took a gun and shot the dead. The reason for the shooting Because the chicken has been stolen many times refused to return This time was unbearable, so he took action. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency