GPSC- FTI installs solar panels for non-profit organizations

Bangkok, Aug. 3-GPSC joins hands with the FTI Renewable Energy Group to form the “Kon Mee Fire” project, jointly install 500 kW of solar cells to support non-profit organizations and government agencies. Reduce electricity bills, create a sustainable environment.

Mrs. Rosaya Thienwan, Executive Vice President, Business Development, Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited or GPSC, the innovative power flagship of PTT Group, revealed that GPSC together with renewable energy industry groups. The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) organizes the “People with Fire” project to drive clean energy for agencies that want to turn electricity costs into sustainable development projects for surrounding areas. which will deliver clean energy From on-grid solar cells (On-Grid) to create benefits for government agencies with educational operations. public health and natural resources and environment Including organizations that are not affiliated with government agencies but operate as a non-profit. The duration of the project is 5 years from 2023-2027 with a total installed capacity of 500 kW, which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 6, 900 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent And it is expected to spend a total budget of 20 million baht, which will begin installation in 2023, amounting to 100 kilowatts.

such a project Will accept applications for interested agencies via email: or phone or /Line-id: 097-150-5161 between 1 – 31 August 2023 by selecting between 1-15 September 2023. After that, there will be an area survey of selected agencies. and is expected to be installed by December 2023. -Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency