Meteor showers to light up summer sky before end of July: Museum

Stargazers in Taiwan will be able to feast their eyes on five small and medium-sized meteor showers that will be visible in the night sky before the end of July, the Taipei Astronomical Museum said Thursday.

Aside from the Perseids which became active on July 7, the four meteor showers — the Southern Delta Aquariids, Alpha Capricornids, Alpha Pisces Australids, and Gamma Draconids — will reach their peaks between Thursday and Sunday, the museum said.

The celestial events are forecast to produce 50 shooting stars per hour in a dark sky, and the best time to catch the meteor showers is between 10 p.m. and sunrise, it added.

Thanks to low interference from moonlight, it could be an excellent time for observation, the museum said, adding that the shooting stars are expected to occur in different directions.

The Perseids, one of the largest meteor showers of the year along with the Quadrantids in January and the Geminids in December, will reach its peak on Aug. 13.

The Taipei museum said it would livestream the meteor showers on its YouTube channel.

Source: Focus Taiwan News Channel