“Grandfather Paiwong” reveals warm moments “Aff-Nong New Year” eats with the Techanarong family.

Nine Entertainment, April 30 – “Grandpa Phaiwong” reveals warm moments. “Aff-Nong New Year” eats with the Techanarong family.

The moment was very warm when “Khun Phaiwong Techanarong” posted a picture via a personal Instagram. With a mother of one child, “Aff Taksorn Phak Sukcharoen” brought her beloved daughter “New Year” to visit Grandfather. Dine and share the frame with everyone in the family. Recently, “Grandpa Phaiwong” has posted pictures of “AFL” and “New Year” who come to join the frame with the Techanarong family. ….Read full news click https://nineentertain.mcot.net/line-today-top-story-6514925

Source: Thai News Agency